The hustle and bustle have begun and I am so happy to report there is snow falling in Chicago! The holiday bells and whistles are going off over here!
I am super excited to share a very special little list of designers that “BELIEVE” in all children and say so by including children of all abilities in their advertising! We all have the opportunity to choose where we spend our money over the holidays and because I feel so passionately about all children being represented in advertising I am sharing this list with you to help you support these companies!
It matters for my children and yours. These companies are changing perceptions every single day
If you are one of those parents or grandparents that finish their holiday shopping in July take a moment and stop by. Let these companies know how much it means to see someone who represents your loved one in their advertising. I promise you they are listening! Do you know managing social media is actually a JOB. They hire people to listen to their consumers virtually. So send them a virtual high five! Start following these retailers on Social Media or just give them some love!
1/ Infantino and Step 2 Toys – (Children’s toys for all ages) Check their boxes and online marketing! You will see children of all abilities all the time! They complete rock out their advertising every year!
{photo taken from Infantino site}
2/ Monica and David – (Children’s clothing) They believe in all children and represent them in all forms of marketing! They even have a sweet little dress that just so happens to be named after a sweet girl with a rocking extra chromosome!
{Photo taken from Monica + Andy website – photo credit Grow and Shine Photography}
3/ Nordstrom’s – (Children and Adult Clothing) They are a pioneer in this movement. They have been including children in their advertising for the past couple of years! Look closely and you too will see beautiful faces of all abilities.
{photo taken from}
4/ Target – (Children and Adult clothing as well as all your holiday needs including TOYS!) Like Nordstrom’s they too are a pioneer in this movement by not only including children but using their beautiful faces in all forms of marketing.
{photo taken from}
5/ Little Maven by Tori Spelling – Tori heard and she listened to how important it is to see faces of all abilities in advertising! She created her own holiday celebration through her look book coming out soon. In this book you will see faces of all abilities rocking out their Little Maven designs! (you can purchase at JCP)
{photo taken by}
6/Mim-Pi – (Childrens clothing – Netherlands) This Mama owned business has been including children of all abilities for the past couple years! She encourages all children to wear her designs and represents them in her advertising!
{Photo provided by MIMI-PI}
7/ Boden – Boden believes that all children that look good in their clothing should be represented in their advertising! How awesome is that!??
{Picture taken from}
8/ Peekaboo Beans – The founder and owner of Peekaboo Beans 100% believes in all children and how valuable they are! This is such a fun brand with great ideas for comfortable clothing and play!
I know the list is short but it is strong! As I researched the companies that have used children or young adults in the past they no longer do. I wonder why? It does not make sense to me. This is why it is so important for all of us to work together. Let these retailers know how important it is to include children of all abilities all the time! Show them some holiday love!
Happy Shopping! OXOX