I am not even kidding about this.  As I was scrolling through instagram today the Today Show reported that it is in fact National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day.  At that moment I knew if I got nothing else done today, cookies would be made.  They are the perfect ending to the week.  So as I am listening to the boys fight over their hockey game, I am savoring the smell of those amazing cookies.

Life around here has been unusually over whelming with the end of school coming, projects due, grades to raise, spring projects underway and a sprained ankle in the mix.  I am grateful for birthdays to celebrate, the women in my life who were celebrated last weekend and late nights watching Scandal.  Somehow no matter how overwhelming the day is, once all is done for the evening everything just seems to fall into place.

There are so many bigger problems in the world like childhood cancer.  We have a precious little girl, Emily who is local to where we live and she is fighting for her life.  Her parents are fighting for her life.  The doctors are only giving her a couple days at this time.  It is not fair, no parent should ever have to go through this.  So please pray for pain relief and peace for sweet Emily and for all the children and families fighting this horrible disease.  We need a cure, it is time for a cure.

Here is a litte peek into life last week.


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Raising these 6 beings, often have my husband and I scratching our heads.  I am pretty sure we are both screwing them all up regularly but not for lack of caring and trying.  They all make me incredibly proud of who they are.  What a blessing to be the mother of 6 amazing kids, especially on mothers day.

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Our cookie day!

Song by Lennon and Maisy check them out!  I have bought every.single.one of their songs.


cookie day 2015 from katie driscoll on Vimeo.


If you are local I am booking sessions both commercial and family into the fall!  I have limited weekend spots so make sure to get on the calendar early!  I am super excited about the turn in the weather and looking forward to sharing many sunsets with new clients!  If you are interested in my fees please feel free to check out my website at 5 boys + 1 girl = 6 Photography!  I can’t wait to talk to you about your session!

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Hoping you all get your cookie on this evening!  OX  Katie