I woke up this morning with summer on my mind……Mothers Day is here and school ends shortly after! WOW! Another year on the books! I can not wait for my kids to be home, on our own schedule, doing things on our own time. It is going to be good!
My mind is racing with things I could talk about today but I am happy because well…the cup is full this week! Things that rock my world RIGHT now!
1/ Teachers that take the time to care, to nurture and to teach wonderful things like acceptance and love for others. We have been blessed not once but 2 times by Mrs. Retsema. She is the definition of a good teacher. She cares about the students and their families. I tagged along on my son Patricks field trip on Tuesday to a very special place Elim. Elim’s focus is educating disabled children and then continues to assist them through a work program as adults. What a beautiful place filled with beautiful children. Mrs. Retsema pairs her students up with children at Elim as pen pals through out their fourth grade year and at the end of the year they take a trip to meet each other. It is beautiful seeing the acceptance and friendship of these kids and their pen pals! That my friends is the planting of a seed. A seed that will grow through out each childs lifetime. Those are moments that will never be forgotten and it opens doors that might never have been opened!! How can that not make your day!
2/ Friends make me happy, new and old! Lately there have been so many opportunities to make new friends and I love that! Connecting with people who are traveling down the same path we are. It is comforting. I am excited to grow and learn from all these ROCK STAR Mamas. Technology just makes things easier and when we use it we find awesome individuals that lift us up when we need a hand.
Best part is I got to spend my Sunday afternoon with this beauty and her Mom! Another gorgeous model for Blossom Boys! 2 men who have a passion for lifting people up, giving them the opportunity to shine and wow did she not take the stage!
3/ I love Rockin out with my kids to this song! CHECK IT OUT! I am serious…..this girl makes me happy! She makes me want to dance in the kitchen. Oh and the video…..even better!
Makes you want to invite your friends over to dance in the kitchen like here!
4/ Have you heard this guys story? Jamar Rogers was a contestant on The Voice and I saw this interview on Ellen. You can check it out Here. WOW! Talk about someone Rocking out his one life! Love Love Love!
5/ Accomplishment. I set out a year ago to come up with a project, a way to give back because so many gave to me in the beginning of Graces journey. This my friends is the first stack of hats headed to the hospital in hopes of being placed on a freshly born baby with an extra special chromosome. Hats make me happy and I sure hope they bring these sweet babies happiness as well.
That is all for now! Life is good…..make a list of things that make you happy, things that make your heart full! It is a great feeling….so go for it!