Well we are off! We are off to vacation again! HAHA Once again you can truly follow us on Instagram (5boysand1girlmake6) I am in vacation MODE just like this. YAY!!!
Yesterday was truly like living in Ground Hog Day the movie so we shook things up and went to visit friends! One of my Besties that I just never get to see. That is good stuff and a great beginning to our week off.
Our house is looking a lot like this……or I should say this is what it looks like to pack 6 kids for a vacation!
Today I am here to introduce some awesome Mamas that have started an awesome Photography campaign…….I am sure you know who I am talking about!
I fell lin love with their campaign back in March, as I was composing my World Down Syndrome Day post. If you have not seen this video check it out here! You will fall in LOVE with all the awesome families who stand up, support and are PROUD of their family member that happens to have an extra ROCK STAR chromosome!
Does this little guy ring a bell?
This little guy and his beautiful message have been shared over 40,000 times! YEP! 40,000. Their campaign is AWESOME and VISUAL and just want our country needs. Reminders that our kids matter and add a light to our world that is beautiful. Just like this picture says NO prenatal test can predict that!
I give you Diane Grover, Linda Nargi, and Jerrica Kelly
IDSC For Life
1. How was the IDSC started?
Moms were discussing how we were either pressured to terminate, or someone alluded after the birth of our children, that we should have terminated our pregnancies because they had a diagnosis of Down syndrome. We heard story after story of families telling us this was their story as well.
We turned to national groups to ask them what they were doing about this, and they told us they had “a position to not have a position” on this issue. So we decided to start a blog, to make others aware that this was happening. We wanted others to understand that women were being pressured to end their pregnancies and these families were discouraged by people who believed their child should not exist. We wanted others to know they were not alone, we understood how this felt. We had a position to have a position! Pressuring a woman to terminate her pregnancy lowers the dignity of the mother and the child. We went from few to many and we are now being heard. We started writing a blog and we are now an organization.
2. What is your mission?
IDSC for Life is dedicated to serving individuals with Down syndrome from conception and throughout their lives. We will achieve this by
supporting families who have been given a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. We direct families to accurate and up-to-date information about Down syndrome. We extend our heartfelt compassion, hope and healing to parents who were pressured and ultimately regret ending their pregnancy because of a Down syndrome diagnosis.
The IDSC does not attach itself to any specific religion or political party.
We have members are who are pro life, pro choice, and those who are neutral on the subject of abortion. To read more about this please read our
Beyond Labels post.
3. Why is our name IDSC for Life?
INTERNATIONAL: Because we have members from all around the world.
DOWN SYNDROME: Because we love someone who has Down syndrome.
COALITION: Because we are a group that stands together loving them.
FOR LIFE: Because we want their lives to be treated with dignity and respect from the moment their diagnosis is known as well as throughout their lives.
4. Why is this mission important to you?
This mission is important to us, because every life is precious.
The child who people assume should not exist is precious.
The parents who are scared when they hear the words, “Your child has Down syndrome” are precious.
The mother who believes her only choice, and comes to regret that decision, after she terminates her pregnancy, is precious. She deserves to heal.
Our hope is that many more will see that encouraging a woman to end her pregnancy, because the baby has Down syndrome is not the best of protocols and women deserve better. They deserve up to date information, support and to be directed to the best medical care for their child.
5. What do you hope to do with your photo campaign?
Our photo campaign was born because we wanted to show the world how amazing our loved ones are. We wanted IDSC members to have their voices heard. So we asked them to send us photos and together we work up a message that they want the world to hear. It has been amazing and we are so proud of every single one.
6. How do you choose the photos you use in your campaign?
We take them as they come.
7. How can people support your organization?
The best thing anyone can do to support us would be to share the photos and ask your friends to like our Facebook page. We try to use our page to share with the world Down syndrome. The more who like it, the more that learn from it.
8. What inspired you to start this campaign?
In all honesty, my daughter has inspired every little detail about the IDSC. She is an absolute gift to our family, not a day goes by that we are not grateful for her. Knowing what we would miss out on, if she did not exist, takes my breath away.
I am always looking for ways to get others to hear what we are saying. I am always dreaming of what that next thing will be to get people’s attention.
One day, a mom, Jerrica Kelly, did a photo with her daughter’s picture on it, with words around it. I loved it! I posted it on our facebook and our small numbers loved it as much as I did. I asked people to help me find this mom, so I could ask her if she would help me with this campaign, so I could connect with her. I loved her spirit and wanted to know if she would like to help us in sharing our message.
I can remember talking to her for the first time like it was yesterday. I just knew this photo campaign was the thing we needed. I was in the Kroger grocery store trying to convince this sweet mama that this would be an amazing message. She needed time to decide if she would commit to this. After a few months and after seeing some of the negative press about our children, she contacted me saying she was ready.
We added IDSC board member, Linda Nargi to the team right away and then we started editing every picture that came our way. The three of us are now like sisters. {At least to me we are, I love these two ladies.} We encourage each other, cheer each other on, and support each other.
One picture at a time.
The entire IDSC experience has been like that. EACH and EVERY person on this board, is the IDSC. Each person has left their mark. Each one’s voice has been heard and that was my goal.
How is that for a feel good message on a Friday! If you would like to share your child with IDSC For Life please feel free to forward your pictures to IDSC <idscforlife@gmail.com>
*********Please don’t forget
5 boys and 1 girl = 6 is in the running over there at
Circle of Moms! You can vote 1 time a day and it literally takes 3 seconds! We are in 3rd place, 100 more votes takes us to #1!!
***********Show these Mama’s some love! Share this story on Facebook, forward this post on email and spread the word to your friends and family! These pictures are amazing and are a tribute to all who are born with a beautiful extra 21st chromosome! Change happens by doing and sharing!
Happy Friday………Michigan or BUST!