I am not sure what I am going to name this post.  I am just going to dive in start writing.  So much whirling in my mind but the one thing at the for front is how I am not present in my real life right now.  As I drove 30 mins to get the garland that I am going to use to deck my staircase tonight (because NO ONE has it in stock yet) I reviewed the last month that I can not even remember.  My favorite holiday month.  Thanksgiving. The month of gratitude I can not even remember.  I was too busy wrapping up work, planning a campaign that I had put off for 6 months and well I don’t even know what else I did because I can’t remember.

How sad is that.  As I was driving to get that garland this afternoon with a car full of kids that I feel like I haven’t really “seen” in weeks outside of school my heart broke.  I wait all year for the days to get shorter and the weather to be cooler so that we can huddle under afghans by the fire and eat cookies.  Really.  I look forward to the fact that we do not have to mow the lawn or clean the pool.  There are less responsibilities and more days full of nothingness.  I blame myself for being side tracked but I also blame our schedule.  Basketball teams and Tae Kwon Do lessons fill the weeks and we are not settling into our house until after 7 or 8pm at night.  This goes on every night.

Not sure what my solution is but the bus is stopping here.  I am not going to look back at December and question where I was.  I am going to be here with my kids.  I am going to pick up the where I left off with traditions and actually tune into what is going on instead of juggling a bunch of things that really don’t matter.  The urge to start preparing for hibernation has hit me.  I will hang the garland tonight and relish in the evergreen smell every time I walk up my stairs.   Just another reminder that the magic of Christmas is right around the corner.

I am excited to take this amazing year out in style and look forward to all the goodness to come in 2015.  Most of all I am grateful that we are all still here.  We are able to celebrate this beautiful season as one.  I don’t take that for granted.

So here are just a few things that have gotten me into the right frame of mind.

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Fake presents.  I love them.  Wrapped some today.


Holley Maher – Another December

Honestly anything by Holley is amazing but I love the 2 tracks she features on this little album.



Lennon and Maisy are just like Tea and Honey.  I fell in love with them on the show Nashville and regularly check iTunes for new releases but I just love their sweet little Christmas Song – Christmas Coming Home.  If you are listening Lennon and Maisy I would appreciate a full Christmas album I can put on replay all month long.  Please?

4Q3B5732 copyOberweis egg nog is the BOMB.  Let me say that again.  The BOMB!  If you have not had it, get some.  You will thank me.

4Q3B5749 copyOrange winter berries.  I am obsessed with winter berries in general but orange ones, well they have taken me to a whole new level of love.  I buy a bunch every time I go to the grocery store.

AH3A8220 copy AH3A8156 copyMy girl and her dolls.  These moments remind me to play.  Just get down there and make-believe.

AH3A8137 copy AH3A8136 copyFriends visiting from out of town.  My appreciation for my long distance “girlfriends”.   I have no words, but these visits remind me how needed they are in my life and my kids life.

4Q3B5754 copyAnd the damn garland that no one is selling right now.  Well it makes me happy that I have some and gives me that much needed reminder to find ways to hibernate by the fire and invite friends and family along.

So I am checking into my own life.  The real stuff going on around me.  I hope you are too.

Don’t let December fly by.  The magic only comes around every 12 months.

I love you all.  K