It is in your hands.  This will not happen without you and you and you and you.  If you think someone else will do it you are wrong.  We need YOU and your friend and your friends, friend.  We need every single one of you to grab this hashtag #changingthefaceofbeauty and run with it.

It takes 2 seconds and a Facebook or twitter account!  That is it!  A video with a message to a retailer and your friends saying you recognize this is a problem and you want it changed.  You want EVERYONE to feel valued in this country, regardless of ability.  Then challenge someone else to do the same!

Hey!  you can check us out on Ellentube!  Check it out and leave her a comment.  Let her know we need her help!

So lets do this!

Go Go Go!  We all have a voice and it is super loud when we work together!

Representation for individuals living with disabilites in the media means jobs in the future!  That means a brighter world for all of us.


OX  Katie