Our attention is focused….we sit and watch our girl over and over walk that baby of hers. It is like eye candy. There is nothing more beautiful in my eyes right now then my daughter pushing her babies in her big plastic stroller. She adjusts them, checks on them and loves on them in the process.
She has advanced from carpet walking to hardwood floor walking. She can now get herself up from a seated position to a full standing and walking position! Yep! My girl has advanced one more step toward independent walking! Just in time to see her NACD evaluator next week! good stuff!
Over the weekend I had the opportunity to photograph some beautiful children. Families who all shared the common bond of special needs. Every time I am surrounded by these beautiful Mamas I am inspired. There are really amazing people in our world that are doing the most awesome things. Love love love meeting them and calling them my friends.
I often look back at where our journey began and then fast forward my memory to where we are now. The ability to connect with others through a campaign, an organization or just the Internet is a luxury we sometimes take for granted. As I sat at horse therapy a couple of weeks ago I talked with a Mom who has an adult child who has a disability. She asked me about Grace and Ryan and where I thought they would be in the future. I told her in my mind the sky is the limit. I have no idea exactly where life will take them but I hope some where they love.
She told me when her daughter was young there was only one other child in her school with disabilities. She said she connected with that child’s Mother but over all there was no one. No one to bounce ideas off of. No one to offer suggestions. No one to offer information. I thought about that comment for a minute as I was surfing through my i-phone right there in the barn for an awesome pair of boots for fall. I turned to her and told her that I admire women like her. The Moms that made a difference all on their own. They did the best they could for their children. I told her we Moms of children who happen to have a disability in 2012 are so very blessed for many reasons but the biggest is information. We have the ability to google anything that comes to our mind and within seconds have an answer to our question, no matter the time of day or night. How cool is that! The second is the ability to connect with people. There are support groups for everything! At the touch of our finger tips we can make friendships with families walking the same path…..the same road.
As I was photographing a sweet boy who happened to be adopted from the Ukraine. His Mama told me his condition is very rare. So rare that only 12 people in the United States are living with his condition. The best part is that this Mama has connected with 9 of them! In the whole country she knows 9 out of the 12 families that are dealing with the same condition her son is dealing with. WOW….that’s what I am talking about! This Mama is resourceful and blessed to have the gift of the Internet.
I respect these Mamas the paved the way for us. The Mamas who made risky decisions that provided therapies and information that never existed before them. I am so very thankful that things are different and we have access to all this valuable information as we raise our kids!
We can do this and we can do this well! Look at the support we have on our team and the information at our finger tips! Life is good!
for all those who Rock that extra Chromosome!
I will be photographing for the IDSC World Down Syndrome Day Video on Sunday, September 23, 2012 in Midlothian at the Oak Forest Gigi’s Playhouse fundraiser! If you are interested in being a part of this video please come out between 4 and 6pm. Support the new Gigi’s by having some custard and have a mini photo shoot done by me. These photos then will be submitted to IDSC for the opportunity to be chosen to be a part of this awesome project. If you are not familiar with this project check out this post!
Please inbox me at tkdriscoll2000@yahoo.com if you are able to make is so I have an idea of the amount of children I will be photographing!!!
We not only want to see these beautiful children being themselves but we want to see them with their siblings, parents and grandparents so come one and all, out to support this awesome new Gigis and have your child in the next AMAZING IDSC World Down Syndrome Day video!
Happy Monday everyone! Run a search…..shake things up! Make sure you high 5 a Mama that went before you and tell them they ROCK!!!