Well….. we are preparing for the big race!  The big Dad and Son race….the PINE WOOD DERBY!  I know we are not alone out there!  There are Dads and Sons everywhere preparing for the same thing.

Patrick…..oh Patrick!  He works so hard and puts his heart into everything!   

It makes my heart smile….to watch my husband with his boys (our boys).  He is one of those people that joins right in with his kids.  He should be on the poster of “If you want to live your second childhood through your kids”.  He is the guy!

Pinewood Derby: Preparing for race day

Having a large family I need that.  I need a partner and that he is!  He takes his job very seriously and insists that having fun with his children is top priority over everything.  He is a good Dad.

Pinewood Derby: Preparing for race day

Last night was the last meeting of Cadets before race day!  They are excited…Liam and Patrick are really excited.  They reminisced about the last 2 pinewood derbys they participated in.  They have not brought the Trophy home yet but they are feeling confident!

Pinewood Derby: The boys came in first place at the pinewood derby

They will remember these times…..they will remember how much their Dad loves them and how much effort he puts into their relationship.  They are so lucky and they do not even know it!

Bath time: Group baths are the best

Boys and their Dads and boys with their Moms….they are special.  Boys are special.  They are different.  Although Grace is still a baby I can already tell they are different.  I know boys and this Girl is not the same!

Do it yourself haircut: Not recommended
This picture melts my heart!  Even if the haircut is bad!  Ryan took the scissors into his own hands! Ouch!!!

Boys love good…..  They cuddle, hug and tell you they love you.  They wear their heart on their sleeve even when it is dirty.  They give the best kisses and then remind you how much you mean to them.  I love that.  I know I am lucky X 5.

Family time: Boys show amazing love

My boys made me the Mom I am today.  I live by the seat of my pants….. I keep house the best I can and I cook.  I cook a lot because you know….boys are hungry.  God knew I needed boys because I love to cook.  I love to make chocolate chip cookies and my boys love them.

Spending time with kids: Teaching kids to bake in the kitchen

Once they eat a batch they tell me how my cookies are the best, and how all their friends agree…..because my boys know that if tell me that there will be more.  My boys know me and I know them.

Family time: Homemade cookies

I am feeling inspired!  I have a couple photo sessions this weekend that I am very thankful for, but I am feeling the sewing machine!  Something is going to be created on the sewing machine!!  I do not even know what …..but something….more next week.

Enjoying time with the DLR Camera

I finally put my hats, bonnets and Camera Straps on Etsy.  I still make them for the same purpose.  I continue to donate money to Reeses Rainbow.  Please keep them in mind for new babies or photography props.  I will be continuing to update the site as more hats become available!  I know it is just easier to pay through paypal instead of requests getting lost in the Facebook inbox world!  Thanks for the wonderful support so far!  It just fills my cup, and I thank you for that!


Also Grace made her way into new etsy stores this week.  Check them out if you have time!  They have amazing products.  These Mama’s are so talented!

Amazing tshirts Grace modeled for Cutie couture

These T-shirts are original creations from Karmelle at Cutie Couture Designs.  They are so amazing, heartfelt and HIP!  Check her out on Facebook.

Grace modeling for Cutie Couture
Is this T-shirt not perfect!???  

This sweet panda dress is from Little Tickle Boutique.  Laura has such an eye for fabric!  Her clothes are like eye candy!

Grace modeling for little tickle clothing line

This headband is a new line at Embellish! Boutique.  Check this Mama out she is local (Oswego).  Gorgeous hair pieces!!!

Lastly….I am pumped about Mothers Day!  Moms work so hard and I want to let them know they are appreciated!  I am giving 50.00 off a session fee to all Moms and their children!  Feel free to email me at tkdriscoll2000@yahoo.com.  All sessions are 30 mins and you will receive 15 high resolution images burned to a disk with printing rights!  Spots are limited and are filling up!  So if you are interested get on the books!

Today is Thursday…I love thursdays because I know tomorrow is friday!  To me the weekend has already begun.  Happy Weekend Everyone!