As I look through our pictures from the days leading up to Christmas it already feels like a year away.  It was special.  It was far from perfect but it was exactly the way it was supposed to be.  So here is a little photo montage of our past couple of days.  I miss those days already but am anxiously awaiting the New Year and the opportunity to ring it is with close friends.  I can’t stop asking myself exactly what 2014 will bring our family.  the question, where will we be at this time next year, is constantly rolling around in my head.  What ever is to come I sure hope I am enjoying it with these 7 people who are closest to me.

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Gingerbread family 5 boys + 1 girl = you know 6!



We skated at Millennium Park and it was just as magical as I imagined!


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Good morning Christmas Eve!  She shared in the excitement this year and that makes this mama so happy.


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Holiday camp outs in the living room.  Including ME!


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Very thankful.  Happy holiday week to all of you.  As I look back over 2014 the readers here are a big part of what made this year so special.  I appreciate your feedback and your soft advice as well as your support.  Parenting is not easy for anyone and I am so happy to share this journey with all of you.  Strong parents are amazing people.  They can do anything.  I believe it.  I grow from your strength and for that I am sending you tons of virtual hugs!

We are off for a couple road trips and plan to ring in the New Year in our favorite state Michigan!  I hope to make the best of 2013 we only have 5 days LEFT! OXOX