Today I am so content…….really content!
Our day started with the chickens. My husband thinks it is best for the chickens to spend as much time as possible free range. I agree but our girls are social and they are forever finding their way over to our neighbor Gails front yard. I think her worms taste better or something. So after my husband left this morning he calls and asks me how the chickens are doing? WHAT? Oh yes he decided a little free ranging was in order this morning and forgot to tell me. Out the door I ran to the back of our property with a big piece of bread to bring them back home. I love those birds! I am not kidding I love spending time with those girls. They are so soft and Eileen loves to be held and when I say back to your cage they listen. Best pets ever!
My sweet 5 year old is learning how to tie his shoe. OH the shoe strings… is so hard to tie the shoe strings and he is trying so so hard. I have shown him how to do it at least 25 times today and he is still trying. Why is something so simple so hard to learn. I don’t know why…. but I feel like I can remember learning to tie my own shoes. I remember how frustrating it was. Then you could tie but they were never tight and when you tie your shoes darn it you want it tight! We are still working……
Sister is still working on the potty, still in the midst of potty training and I love it! I have never loved potty training in all the years of my potty training history but I love potty training with Grace. Maybe because she sits so proudly on that toilet that I can not stop taking pictures of her. I sooo need to invest in one of those potty over potty seats because that little butt is not even close to meeting the sides to balance. As I sit there we sing songs and talk about the alphabet and the hugs and kisses I receive, seriously make my day. It makes it easier to end up in the same place an hour later. Although I think she is on to something because she manages to pee 20 mins before our potty time most every time. Even if I re-adjust the time!! but come 6:30 my big girl sits up on that potty and gives me the mother load! A Poop! Every day at 6:30 my girl delivers and we celebrate!
Tonight I reflect…..I reflect at how much I am in love with my family, my life, my community and my friends. I can’t help it…..I really am.
I watched an interview with Tom Shadyac, the director of I Am the documentary as well as Happy, on Ellen last Friday. He said, “The word contentment comes from the word content, which is what we hold inside — love, value, a feeling of a life that has meaning or purpose, a cause greater than yourself that you’re a part of. These are the things that bring true happiness. As a culture, I think we need to redefine what it means to be happy.” Doesn’t that make perfect sense?
Happiness is really contentment!
I plan to change things up on here a little bit, I have some stories to share. Stories of amazing people who have beat the odds. I love that! I still strive for that every day! Not only is it pretty awesome to beat the odds but it sounds cool! Look out for these people every Friday, well at least for the next 3 anyway! If you know someone who fits that profile please send me a note ( Lets work together to bring these stories to others. Maybe your story will light the fire of passion for another. Amazing people make me happy. I hope to be surrounded by as many as possible. What better place to be then surrounded by people who make a difference and bring happiness to others every day! Love love love that!
Until then check out this video. It is from World Down Syndrome Day but guess who it is? It is Chris Burke who starred as Corky in Life Goes On. You can watch this video here. He has a message for all of us including his peers in the Down Syndrome community. He is reminding us that we all have different talents and unfortunately some of his peers don’t know that. It struck a cord with me…we have to make sure everyone knows they have talents! EVERYONE has a talent we just have to find it! A passion….something that brings us alive, gets us up in the morning and brings us contentment = Happiness. What a great guy!
Be content and find your passion, you will be so happy you did!