It has been radio silence over here for a bunch of reasons. Mainly real life has snuck in and made all the decisions this summer. Some that I am very happy about and some not so much. Isn’t it funny how we transition into different seasons with the grand ideas of how things will happen, what they will look like, and who will be there. Sometimes those seasons blow my mind and then sometimes they break my heart. I am sure you understand because it seems celebration and disappointment are part of our everyday even though I never expect it.
So that is where we have been wrapped up in all of that. Feeling and celebrating day by day. In the mix of it no matter how hard I try to stop it my kids just keep getting older. They continue to become more independent something I have craved for many many summers but as I sit her faced with yet another transition of mothering adult children I can’t help but ask the crazy question of where has the time gone. I know where it went. I can skim through years of pictures and reminice about good and hard memories but some how the years flew. I remember saying to myself that I would never have regret as a mother and guess what its there. I think it is impossible to cover all your bases with a smile every day. I tried and failed but one thing I did do was enjoy it. Even though there were tons of bumps in the road. Maybe even some pot holes I tried, hard and I sure do not regret that.
So as I continue to try and hold onto my kids fleeting months and years in my home you just might hear from me less. Managing that time, homeschooling, a photography business and running a nonprofit, Changing the Face of Beauty something had to give and it just so happens to be this blog. I have not given up on it completely there will just be less. Kind of like how there has been less these last couple months. I appreciate all of you and all the inspiration you have given me to be a better mom, a better business women and a better advocate. Because of all of you my world is a better place.
Here is a little look back over the past month.
And alittle peek into our family 4th of July!
4th of July 2015 from katie driscoll on Vimeo.
I am booking family and commercial sessions through the year in both Illinois and Michigan. If you are interested in my capturing your memories please get in touch at!
If you are interested in supporting our efforts over at Changing the Face of Beauty you can see our GoFundMe here!
Happy July everyone! Make it great!