Tonight Steve, I, our spouses and some of the families of our models attended an opening celebration for 2 Doctors in our community. We attended to congratulate them as well as celebrate an accomplishment for the “Changing the Face of Beauty” campaign. We are so thrilled that these two Doctors see the beauty we see in all of our children.
The work that was displayed blended so perfectly with the freshly painted bright colors they chose for the walls. Steve and I were proud! Damn Proud to be apart of this project. A project that spotlights children and young adults with disabilities. This campaign gives them a voice and a moment to express themselves and who they are. When I see these photos published, hanging on the wall or shared on facebook it reminds me of why this campaign is so important.
The news has been reporting all week on sweet Valentina who was chosen to model swim wear for a very well known designer. Integration is right, it is good and it is needed. Thank you again to Dr Mirjam Quinn and Dr Janhavi for including our campaign in your new office.
oh yeah we did the happy dance once the votes were counted and we were determined the winner!!!
If you follow my facebook you will know that 5 boys + 1 girl = 6 is now the most popular Mom with a big family blog over at Circle of Moms! Very excited to have this honor and for all who supported the blog over the last 15 days of voting! Thank you so very much.
This campaign has been such a blessing in so many ways. It has helped me grow in my photography and it has given myself as well as my friend Steve the opportunity to connect with the most amazing people. People we would have never met without this mission, people we now call our friends. I am so thankful for these friendships.
Unfortunately our community has suffered a loss. I do not know this family personally, but I do know some of their friends and I am heart broken for both the family and the community. Since hearing of the loss of their sweet Eli, Noahs Dad suggested that we all support his parents by leaving them messages of encouragement and love over the next weeks as they find their way on a new path without their precious son.
Please consider going to their guestbook and writing them a note of encouragement. It is something so small but means so very much. Please continue to hold this family up in prayer, that they might find peace.
May God Bless Each One of You.