What a whirl wind this past week has been and continues to be.  Between work, and back to school preparations there has been very little time to enjoy the last days of this amazing summer.  My kids are ready for school to start.  They need the new chapter of learning to begin whether they think so or not.  It is the eb and flow of life that actually makes our years interesting.  They don’t know that right now but they will.

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Over the past week my “”Back to School” imagery has flown all over the country and spilled into others.  I am beyond thankful for all the people who continually believe that this message and these images are worthy of being talked about.  There are so many amazing people out there fighting for equality in the media and the fact that I can be a part of their movement makes me a happy lady.  There ia strength in numbers and I am lucky to be standing with all of them.

My husband asked me last night what it feels like.  He wanted to know if I ever in my wildest dreams thought that magazines like People, Redbook and news programs like The Today show would catch on to my imagery and the answer was no.  I am a Mom first and foremost.  I worry about my kids, all of them, and the thought of any of them being excluded breaks my heart so what ever I have to do to stimulate the change needed for my daughter to feel equal to the rest of the world I will do and for me that challenge is with  the media.

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All kid of all abilities are heading back to school this week and over the next month.  They deserve to feel represented.  They deserve to open a magazine and feel included.  I want that for all of them.

Off I go with my kids on a road trip to the Illinois State fair!  It is time to grab a couple more memories for the bank before the next chapter begins!

You can check out my images on a lot of great sites included here!

Good Morning America

Huffington Post

Baby Center

Autism Speaks


Austrailian Womens Weekly


More to come!

OX Katie