I love summer, I love home schedules and I love field trips! I love love love field trips with my kids. But….. most of all I love teaching my kids where food comes from. Every summer we take a trip to a strawberry patch. We pick berries to our hearts content with friends.
The kids love it…..they compete to see who can fill the most pints the fastest. It becomes a game and the oldest always win. There is nothing more satisfying then watching my kids run in a strawberry patch picking and eating fresh ripe strawberries.
It reminds me of growing up when my parents took me to the strawberry patch. My kids are so lucky because there is strength and speed in numbers. My brother and sister were so much younger that I remember being the only child picking strawberries and my parents made jam as well as froze bags of strawberries for the winter. That meant there were lots of strawberries to pick and only 4 hands picking. I have to admit I ate more then I picked. HA
Once the picking was done we found an awesome park and let the kids eat and run before we had to get back in the car to head home. So funny to watch all these kiddos that were once toddlers all grown up. They are big kids now and I am pretty sure my friend and I have not aged a bit!
just a side note, all the above photos were taken with my Iphone 4 because I forgot my camera! WOW is all I have to say. So document memories with those phones!!
On Monday my boys helped me make jam…..another family tradition. Every time we make jam, it reminds me of my Grandmother. I am not sure that my Grandma made a lot of Jam but she did make a ton of strawberries pies! She knew it was a favorite of mine and if I happened to be around in the summer there was often a pie waiting for me. That is what is awesome about Grandmas, they do things just to make you feel special.
Although my children are not the biggest fans of my strawberry jam, they proudly hand them out at Christmas time. They are proud of the time they spent out in the field picking those fresh berries and they are proud of the time they spent cutting the berries for jam. That is good stuff!
I hope these little traditions are lasting memories for my kids. Memories they tell their own kids about, they sure are to me….because that is good stuff!
Very excited to introduce you to Razberries and Raisons on facebook! They have the most beautiful designs and I am thrilled that Gracie finally has one of their designs!! Check their facebook and shop you will not be disappointed!!!
Yes, that is my girl all serious looking but if you notice she is standing with a little lean on that bench! But girlfriend is standing! Can not tell you how HUGE that is for her! So so proud!
Happy hump day my friends! Make memories, you will not be sorry…..because life is short, way too short.