We are 2 school days deep into our summer vacation.  The one that I have been dreaming about since Christmas.  No schedules, no wake ups, no nothing.  I purposely have not booked day camps and sports camps because I did not want to be constricted by schedules.  I want that free, do what we want feeling.  I love being with my kids.  I love knowing they are under the same roof because I know that there is only a short time before this type of thing will be a luxury.


Our kick off was great.  18 boys in the back yard.  In and out of the pool.  Cheese balls, potato chips and hotdogs.  All of it.  I am not going to say it was not exhausting.  I had back up, both a babysitter and a fellow Mom to help me lifeguard these boys but my heart was happy.  I felt like this was the beginning of an extra special summer.

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2 days later.  Not exactly what I bargained for.  I have a whole lot of unhappy boys.   They are bored.  My response is lets go for a run!  I also suggested summer reading in the mornings while I continue to work with the homeschoolers.  Not.what.they.had.in.mind

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After 2 days of popping motrin at 5:00pm I knew something had to change.  I still have not figured out what our schedule will be but it will be better then those last 2 days.  Maybe a sit down of feedback from the troops.  I know for sure these summers fly by too fast and I am not going to spend the summer being the “No” mom.  A friend just wrote about how freeing it is to be a “yes” mom here.  It was just what I needed to hear Friday afternoon as I sat down with an ice cold beer to re-evaluate everything I did wrong.  Maybe this week will be more yes and less no.  Maybe living a little more “messily” is really where the fun lies.

4Q3B8916 copy 4Q3B8917 copy 4Q3B89314Q3B8945 copy 4Q3B8951 copy 4Q3B8941 copyThis parenting thing is not easy but it is sure nice to sit around twinkling lights and hear  that there are other parents feeling the same way.  We are all scared of doing too much and not doing enough.  We all just want to know if everything is going to turn out ok.  Will it?  A friend of ours said this weekend that he believes everything in moderation.  No extremes either way.  I hear that.  I think sometimes I am way too extreme.  That makes sense.

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The weekends give us room to step back and breathe.  Evaluate and plan for change as we enter the gates of Monday.  Something better.  Last night I went to bed feeling like my head was above water instead of gasping for a breath.  Moderation, something as simple as that.  I can do it.

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3 cheers for moderation!  Happy Sunday! OX Katie