March was busy, like big time busy for our family. There were events we waited months to attend. There were projects that finally wrapped up after months of hard work. I am exhausted and have taken some time off…..some time with my kids to revamp our priorities. We are getting there but I am slowing down because sometimes things get out of hand before you even know it.
Last weekend Grace and I had the pleasure of attending the IDSC World Down Syndrome Day wrap up party and it was grand! We had a fantastic time melting into a family kind enough to let us stay with them and our kids became like distant cousins.
There were tears shed and wishes that we could all live closer but I have to say it is nice to know that we have extended family in two more states.
This trip was the first time I had ever traveled alone. It was wonderful stepping out of my comfortable box for just a couple days but it sure was nice being met by my beautiful family on Sunday evening. It is good to be home.
We are gearing up for a week of Spring Break… will be nice to have a slow schedule of the beach and the grill. We can not wait, even if it is cold.
Grandpa Beetzels Chocolate Eggs came today! This day goes down in the books every year with a “My parents rock!” My kids love them some chocolate eggs!
I am loving the days of less. It feels good! Lookin forward to Apple Blossoms. Not long now…..