Today was one of those days where I woke up and knew there was a whole day of possibility. No commitments with time to get to those little projects that need just a little more TLC so the house would be completely prepared for our holiday festivities. That type of day. My husband was already on the stove flipping pancakes and I got to read the photography magazine that just came in the mail. Calm and peaceful morning……until all hell broke loose and I am not even kidding.
I embarked on creating my own backdrop for a little pop up Photo Booth I am doing at my friends flower shop this week…….. 2 times!!! Yep twice I tried to create something and twice I failed miserably. Once I scrapped the 2nd attempt the smoke alarms started and for 2 hours my husband and I ran around the house trying to problem solve why our hardwired fire and carbon dioxide alarms were going off full blast! The best part is that most of them are located about 15 feet in the air which made the situation even harder. After a trip to Ace to buy a temporary detector to see if it would register a problem I called 911.
So at 11:30 this morning the front of my house was lit up with a fire truck and squad cars checking to see exactly why our alarms were going off for an hour and a half at this point. Kids and dog loaded in the running car outside, my husband and the professionals combed the house to get to the bottom of it. There was no resolution and the suggestion was to take every single one of them down and clean them to see if dust or a bug climbed in there to trigger the system.
So off I went with 6 kids to lunch to give my husband time to scale the walls and retrieve No decision could be made on a place to eat and the trip was less then pleasurable even with Christmas music playing.
When I am in the trenches of days like this I can’t help but ask myself, seriously? Is this really happening right now. I often ask myself how I am able to keep on keeping on. It is almost comical, no it is comical!
But we made it and after another trip to Ace and Joanne Fabrics we are set! There is no major alarm going off in our house (right now) and my back drop is 95% complete! The best part is that in 30 mins I am heading out with the man of my dreams for a drink.
Today is the definition of why all busy parents deserve a night out together! Right???
I am so excited to be hosting a little pop up photo booth and The Blossom Boys in Beverly Thursday at 6:00pm! They are having a little holiday open house and the theme is “Ugly Christmas Sweaters”! So come out and see me and bring that Fuggly, Ugly sweater and see what the Waldon Parkway stores have to offer YOU! Get some of your Christmas shopping done! Don’t forget to stop in to The Blossom Boys to get your picture taken! All pictures will be posted on The Blossom Boys Facebook page and you can tag away! Use them to dress up your Facebook profile pic up for the holiday!
Tomorrow I am hoping to give Santa my Christmas list and my kids hope to as well! We will be at GiGi’s Playhouse in Oak Forest from 2-6pm! All the details are on their Facebook page. They are hosting a dinner with Santa! Would love to see you all there!! Ho Ho Ho!
Wishing you all a very relaxing and festive Saturday evening! OXXO