“Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time, carrying our hopes for love, joy and celebration. The hummingbird’s delicate grace reminds us that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, every personal connection has a meaning and that laughter is life’s sweetest creation.”
This quote has been on my mind for 4 days now. It is such a beautiful way of talking about how real life can feel, if you open yourself up enough to feel it. I can’t figure out why I feel so in tune with life right now. There have been a lot of transitions these past couple of weeks. Changes that I was not really ready for but had no control over. Maybe that is why. Maybe it was me realizing that I am not in control of every aspect of my life and my solution is to really dig in and feel the changes, ride the emotions and appreciate the moment.
What ever the reason is I am feeling it. It has been along time since I have been this in tune with my emotions and it feels good. This past weekend I invited a fantastic clothing line, Matilda Jane to have their designs modeled by beautiful models of all abilities. I reached out to family and friends for help organizing the morning. It was a team effort. Everyone working together for the greater good and future of advertising. It was magical.
Denise and Kris from MJC came and witnessed what is possible when you gather a bunch of beautiful girls together of all abilities. They loved on those girls and their Mama’s. We laughed and danced through the whole shoot. The girls were hugging and touching the entire time. The only way to explain it was “magical”. Magic happened in my studio that morning and I can not wait to see how those beautiful girls change the hearts and perceptions of others through their gorgeous images.
The love in that room was overwhelming. The moments brought me back to the hummingbird and how delicate their grace is that it reminds us that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, every personal connection has a meaning and that laughter is life’s sweetest creation. I saw it and I felt it.
I lost my friend this morning. Gail is dancing in heaven free of pain and sickness. She made it and I know she is ok. It is us that feel the emptiness of her absence. I know my connection with her has a whole lot of meaning and she fostered laughter like nobodies business. Lessons learned and remembered. As time passes life will fill that emptiness with new connections and laughter but she will forever be in our hearts. She taught my children lessons I would have never been able to teach them. I can only hope they will grow into the type of person she was and pass those gifts on.
Tonight I am grateful and have a whole lot of gratitude for the personal connections I have in my life now and look forward to the new ones coming. I am optimistic and hopeful for the future.
Happy Monday friends. OXOX