All I can say is WOW, this past week has been so eye opening. It is absolutely amazing that we have generated over 50+ home study qualified families for this sweet now 5 week old baby! I love how people who have been touched by a child or adult with an extra chromosome understand what amazing individuals they are and can be. These families believe in this little girl and are ready to give this baby the love she deserves! It is amazing how awesome this world is and I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read the story and hit the share button, post it to a friends wall or pass it along to an organization for help. I have spoken to the case worker and she is so thankful for your support! WOW! Hats off to all of you! At this time the case worker feels that she has targeted the families she would like to share with the birth parents so she is requesting that we do not send any additional families. I will keep you updated as I am updated. I know you all care about this child as much as I do and I hope to update you once the forever family has been found.
In the mean time we have a graduate! Our Sean is off to kindergarten next year!!
As I promised I have the most fantastic person to introduce you to. Mr Stevie Hopkins, one of the co-founders of 3ELove. You can also find him on Facebook. His mission is strong! It is one of embracing who you are, educating others and empowering each other. I hope you enjoy his story as much as I do.
1/ Tell us about yourself.
My name is Stevie Hopkins and I am 28 years old and have grown up in the suburbs of Chicago. My sister and I were born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2. We both went to the University of Illinois. I have degrees in business and Annie studies Rehab and Disability Studies.
2/ Tell us about your journey to where you are now with 3elove
In college, Annie and I lived in dorm solely with others with disabilities. This was a very unique experience where we had our own community and sub-culture. It helped us become more understanding of ourselves and more accepting of our own being and others with disabilities. Until we had this experience, I don’t believe I ever confronted the fact that I was truly different in some ways. Until I embraced that I had a very difficult time, especially socially. The wheelchair heart symbol was Annie’s symbol, born out of an inside joke at our dorm, but it meant much more. Annie later got the symbol tattooed on her shoulder and it became popular amongst friends and others in local disability community. She decided she wanted to use it to represent her social model of disability and her career. She asked me to help her start a business behind the symbol, much different than the non profit people expected it to be. We didn’t want to be associated with charity, we wanted to earn any successes and prove that we could achieve without handouts. We started selling tshirts because it was how we first used it in college and that felt most natural. 5 years later, tshirts and other items have been sold all over the world and it has taken on a life of its own. I am truly blessed with an opportunity to spread a positive message and example.
3/ What is 3E Love and what does it stand for?

My short term goal is to just do well enough to make an impact and have success to become independent and live on my own.