We are coming off a full and fantastic weekend. One of those weekends packed to the gills with goodness. I have some fall fun to share but today I have to write about a pretty fantastic Mama! I know it comes at no big surprise to most of you that I have a dream that all children of all abilities will be included in everyday advertising, all the time. That is the mission behind 5 boys + 1 Girl = 6 Photography and “Changing the Face of Beauty”. I spend nights lying awake thinking about this. I made a promise to my daughter as well as my 5 boys that I would make sure they knew they had value in this world and I am pretty sure that most of you can relate to that promise and probably have made a similar one to your own children.
We celebrate children of all abilities in our home. My hope is that we raise our children in an environment that they see the person before they see any differences. That is why fashion and advertising are so important to me. I fully believe they hold the key to my children’s future in their hand. The more they include children and adults of all abilities the more accepting world we will live in. Images are so important because we all need to see before we believe. The more people of all types of abilities are included the more comfortable our society will be with everyone.
When I contacted Monica Royer, owner and designer of Monica + Andy, a hot new children’s fashion line here in Chicago she was welcomed the idea with open arms. She immediately asked if we could be a part of her launch party this past weekend. She too is a Mom and she understood the love that was behind my note to her. She wanted to send the message to her consumers that she too values children of all abilities.
As I watched my girl walk down that cat walk with her father I was bursting with pride. There she was! Just an ordinary 3 year old strutting her stuff. She wasn’t Down Syndrome. She was Grace, with 5 adoring brothers. That is all I can ever hope for. Monica is a trend setter. I can not wait to see how many other designers follow her lead.
Life is about good and bad decisions. This decision was a good one and I can’t wait to see where her beautiful clothing line goes. There is a huge heart and lots of love behind those designs.
If you are interested in checking her line out you can find her at Monica + Andy as well as on Facebook. Don’t forget to send her some love. Let her know how much you appreciate seeing children of all abilities included in her promotions as well as her advertising!
Happy Monday!