This week could be summed up as &*!@#^%R^. All of that. Picture this. Monday morning Mom wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. How that happened I have no idea because I had the sweetest boy snuggled next to me and a beautiful weekend behind me but nevertheless, bad mood.
Little things along the way the whole day. I escort the kids to the car to return to Chicago. It is raining and dogs are running everywhere. We rally everyone into the car and shut the door. Meanwhile I pick up the deck and clean up the yard equipment. You get the drill. Did it all. Jump in the car, pull out and dial up my friend Michelle. I was bugged and had to get it off my chest. Not about one thing but many. Nothing of great meaning but at that moment I needed that sounding board and a friends ear to say, “Did I tell you??” and “What do you think?”. You get it right. Emotions, hormones, frustration, exhaustion all rolled into one. That.
Little did my friend know she was going to have to listen to me for 45 mins. Being the good friend she is she joined in. She gets it. She is a mom and she has frustrations too. We hang up and I look down noticing that I had no camera bag OR grocery bag filled with all the food that will spoil. I madly demand the boys in the back look over their shoulder to search for that red bag. Turns out nothing. No bag, no food, no medicine for Grace. Of course not, they are all sitting on the table with a front door wide open. It is all becoming clearer. I never went back in the house to grab the last of the luggage and lock the door. Insert @@#$^#$%#$^ and a u-turn. Yep 1.5 hours later we are in the exact same place heading home again. An hour trip turned into 3 hours. We spent the day in the car. How is that for Karma?
Day 2 I wake up in the same bad mood. Geez I say to myself. Snap out of it. Sitter planned for a day of catching up on errands. Party planning for last day of school. I can feel the pressure lifting. Only 30 more mins to freedom. I look down at my phone and see that I had forgotten that I needed to be at horse therapy like now. So I call the sitter and throw the kids in the car. Off we go as the pressure is once again rising. Are you exhausted yet!
Meantime a call comes in from a client that I once again had forgotten about and then a text from my hubby stating “Happy Annv, Do we have a sitter tonight?” Ahhhh yes. Our Anniversary, today. “Nice”, I say to myself. I forgot my wedding Anniversary.
Back to Karma. I believe in it. I believe that when my attitude is bad and I focus on life’s frustrations instead of what it has to offer everything pretty much crumbles around me. No need to fret because this can all be solved by an amazing mother in law who agrees to watch my kids so my husband and I can go to dinner and a dance to “Rockstar” by A Great Big World. Spirits lifted and reminded that when I keep my eye on the ball, on what is important in my life everything else just falls in place. Life needs space and karma is always there to remind me of what happens when I don’t make the room.
Why do we spin ourselves out of control to the point that we forget about our own wedding anniversary? Why to we concern ourself so much with things that absolutely do not affect us instead of looking at the big picture. Instead of a rant on the phone, how about looking up at that big beautiful sky. Thats karma.
I believe that if I want good things to come to me I have to breed good things around me. It is hard to follow my own advice sometimes. Creativity and relationships can not grow in a cluttered life.
So tonight I celebrate the most important man in my life! The one who consistently brings me back to earth and reminds me of what is important. The one who picks up where I left off all the time. Happy 14 years! Here is to 14 more a little less cluttered.
Tomorrow I celebrate with 6 kids, another year! Schools.out.for.summmmeeerrrrr!
OX Katie