As we wrap this beautiful day of the celebration of all the “Dad’s” in our lives I feel grateful to have spent time with 2 of the 3 most important men in my life.
I made the weekend extra special by taking them strawberry picking in the rain! HA! That is what I love about them. Even though it took us an extra hour to finally find the strawberry field and it rained the whole time they laughed it off. Strawberry picking is a tradition in our family that I generally do with the kids alone or with friends. I was so happy that my Dad and husband were able to join us this year. It is awesome to see how my boys look forward to it every year. They are going to make some good husbands, well at least they will be “strawberry Pickin” husbands.
The weekend went by too quickly and I sit her wishing for just one more day. I guess that means it was good. The weekend was time well spent. I am grateful my Dad takes regular road trips to spend time with us and I am even more grateful for the amazing husband I married. Although raising six kids is a lot harder then we ever thought it would be, he is my partner, my friend and he loves our children….too the moon and back!
I wanted to share a little tutorial I put on my facebook page last night. It is a how too…..for silhouette’s on the beach or anywhere the sun is setting. I have been asked quite a few times how I do them so here is a (kind of) step by step. Make sure the sun is BEHIND your subject. If you are shooting with your i-phone it will automatically make a silhouette – how cool is that!? If you are using your camera flip to manual and set your meter to go as dark as possible. Put your focus on one of your subjects and BAM you have an amazing silhouette to blow up and hang behind your couch! I often share photography tips here at 5 boys + 1 girl = 6 on facebook so check out the page!
Happy Sunday to everyone, especially to all those amazing fathers out there!