Good things come to those that wait.  I have heard that a million times but it never sits well with me.  I come from the generation of now.  I am sure there are some of you out there that can understand.  I had a conversation with my friend Gail a couple months ago about the future and she assured me the story was already written.  She told me to sit back and live instead of waiting to see what was behind door number 3.  Best advice ever.  So that is what I do.  I do what I love and at the end of the day I go to bed with very little expectations of the future.

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The past couple of weeks have been amazing.  Bigger then my wildest dreams.  To wake up this morning and see our faces on the cover of the Chicago Tribune was almost unreal.

Special thank you to The Tribune for this beautiful video!


Cell phones pinging with, “I just saw the paper” and “OMG” was pretty awesome.  My whole family continues to feel the love from everyone as we watch you all send big high fives across social media.  The best part of it all is that this has very little to do with me personally and everything to do with all of you.  You are the ones sharing and spreading the news and YOU are the ones that make this mission “Changing the Face of Beauty” a reality.

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Change in any form does not happen with one person.  It happens with an idea and it is what we all do with that idea that changes the world.  I feel rumbling.  I feel change coming.  I can’t stop thinking of the advertising executives that opened the paper this morning and saw a plea for inclusion.  It just takes one person to answer that plea.  Just one.


I had the opportunity to do some amazing sessions this week with not only one awesome designer but two.  Lemon Loves Lime and The Good Ones both sent clothing for a mini shoot to show their customers that they too believe in children of all abilities!  As you view these images I think you will see abilities and definately not disabilities.

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This is what I hope is communicated to our world.  We are not working for the next campaign, we are working for change.  Our hope is for inclusion all the time.  I believe that dream can become a reality.

Grace and I traveled to the city today to celebrate our friends Ryan and Steve (The Blossom Boys) and their amazing flower exhibit at the Macy’s on State street.  Their participation in this flower show is just another reminder that anything is possible if you wait.  We clinked glasses and chatted about the, remember when…… and the can you believe it????  It felt good to spend the afternoon with close friends who continue to push and encourage our world to step it up and be a better place.

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As we walked back to the car I turned to see my girl taking in the city.  Walking the streets and laughing at the huge buildings and the bustle of the cars.  She really enjoyed the little independence she was given to walk by herself even if I was close by.  Two years have really gone by quickly since Steve and I began this campaign.  Grace has gone from a girl who couldn’t walk to a toddler reaching for more independence every day.



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Tonight I am going to sit by the fire with my husband and just breathe it all in.  All the love and friendship we have gained from clients and families.  It feels good.

Thank you for your support, your well wishes and I promise you I have more ideas!  More projects soon to come!

Speaking of that…..I am launching a little campaign here on my blog.  I have featured friendships in the past and now I want to showcase individuals.  I believe anything is possible for anyone and I love a good story!  I want to hear from adults who just happen to be living with a disability.  I want to hear about your successes.  What you are doing to rock this one life out?  It might be your independence, your job or your impact on your community.  I want to hear about it and I will be featuring some of these stories on my blog.  Feel free to email me at!

I am signing off with a big huge happy heart!  You can check in with me on Good Day Chicago on Fox at 9:20 Tuesday morning.  Tune in to hear more about Changing the Face of Beauty!