There are no words to explain the shock and sadness we all felt this past Friday. It took some time to sink in but when it did I along with everyone across America cried with Connecticut. When you are a parent or love a child you feel the pain of loss right along with them. It is scary, this life we live, for many reasons. It is extremely hard to understand. As the families affected by this tragedy try and heal we must do the same.
Our weekend was filled with Christmas parties as well as the opportunity to share the morning with some fantastic families. Even though there was no snow it felt better to stay in the house. I said a lot of prayers this weekend asking for answers. I along with the world have so many questions unanswered questions and I realized that is where faith comes in.
You can find the recipe for the homemade Gingerbread houses here. I made mine gluten free and Dairy Free by adding GF Flour mixture instead of regular flour and shortening instead of butter. It turns out perfectly.
As we enter into the last week before Christmas we are prepared. The gingerbread houses are made and decorated. The tree is beautifully lighting up our kitchen and the packages are bought and put under the tree. As we spend time together I will be praying for all the families that have an empty seat at their Christmas table and I will be encouraging my children to do the same. Holidays are such a beautiful time to come together but they are so hard when you cannot.
May this week bring back the magic in Christmas for you and your children.