So last night I wrote this big long post about Gratitude and Thankfulness and how I feel is it so beautiful when the two of them come together……But the post was not truly portraying our life today. Today is stress……uneasiness and worry. I hate when these 3 things creep in and steal the glory of the beautiful days leading up to a holiday.
Yesterday was the dumps for our family. We have some things to work out and we have struggles like everyone else. I am doing everything I can not to wallow in worry or stress. I keep the words Gratitude and Thankfulness on the forefront of my mind. This season only comes around once a year. These weeks where our country celebrates being thankful for the land we have been given, the place we call home. I look around and my heart is full of all the wonderful stories of people giving this life their best shot and reaching out to led a hand to another. That is what this month is all about, right?
Although I wish I had 10 more hours in each day to do and be there for everyone I would like to be there for I sometimes have to grab the back of my heart and pull it in closer. I have to refocus the importance of my here and now. I then remember that I am a Mama of 6 exceptional children and a wife to an amazing man. They are all exceptional in their own individual way and they need me. They need reassurance and they need my attention. So there was a wake up call today. I was failing as a Mom, my first and foremost job. Of course the first step in correcting the problem is admitting there is a problem.
Cupcakes solve everything! Especially Pumpkin ones!
Well, I am admitting it….I have to slow down and center my life around what is important and that is my family. I am hoping that everything else just falls into place after that. We stopped everything today and started our preparations for our Thanksgiving. We made a simple craft of hand owl placements! Super simple and all you need is fabric paint and 1.50 placements from Ikea!
When the kids came home an hour early yesterday we took a trip to the book store. I love going there and hanging out in the children’s section, smelling the freshly brewed coffee. It brings me down to where I need to be. Present for my family.
We are getting ready for Mr Turkey, The “Junie B” way!
Happy Hump Day Everyone….may you all be filled with peace, love and and good ol happiness.