Dear My Beautiful Girl-
Today is so special for so many reasons. Today is the day you joined our family just 4 short years ago. Every year around your birthday I reminisce about those last weeks leading up to your birth day. We had no idea who you were and what to expect. The only thing we knew was that you were coming with 1 extra 21st chromosome.
The funny thing is that your sweet spirit was just as strong when you were growing inside of my belly as it is today. The Christmas leading up to your birthday was magical. There is something about you that makes everything sparkle just a little bit brighter.
As we watch you grow I am continually amazed by your spirit and ability to handle any obstacle your are given. Your heart is open and you challenge us to open ours just as wide. There are days that your future scares me. I want to protect you from situations that might be difficult for you. You, in your all your 4 year old wisdom, continue to remind me that I am actually the one that needs you way more then you will ever need me.
I am proud to be your mother. You have given our family the opportunity to live a colorful life. Keep on being YOU sweet girl. Shine on because we all grow in your light.
Happy birthday Grace. I love you to the moon and beyond. OXOX Mom