I am not sure what it is about Christmas carols when they are sung a in a big group of people.  The picture is this…. sitting in the gym the day of your children’s school Christmas parties and the principal says,”we are going to go for a big round of carols before we dismiss.”  My emotions go into over drive and the waterworks begin every.single.time.  The reflection of the year gone by or YEARS in some cases.  I start thinking about how lucky we are to be surrounded by such a loving group of people right there in that gym. *insert* more water works.  Seriously,  I try and pull it together by thinking about what all the things I have to get done before the big day but it doesn’t stop what has already started, tears.  Today I was in over drive.  The tears were welling in my eyes and then the lead singer AKA teacher stopped and whispered to my son to stop the distraction he was causing.  End.of.waterworks!  I thank my son for causing a little chaos because it could have gotten really ugly.

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So here we are.  4 days till Christmas.  4 days to relish in white twinkly lights and warm cozy fires with a only a Christmas Tree to light the room. 4 days.

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Gingerbread houses are complete along with a large bag of M & Ms (the mint kind) polished off.  Friends on the way to eat and be merry!  The good stuff.  Over the next 4 days I hope to stuff just a couple more magical moments in the hearts of these crazy kids of mine.

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SO I am signing off …… time to dive in head first to this Friday before Christmas!


Happy Holiday weekend! and tell me what you do to add a little extra magic to your children’s holiday!  I am all ears and looking for ideas! OXOX