This week has been busy……preparing ourselves for the new school year and celebrating my baby boys 4th birthday. Yep, my youngest son is 4. Not sure where those days went but they are gone and he is growing up. I celebrate with the best of them when it comes to birthdays…..we rock out the Chuck E Cheese because, is there a better place for a boy to celebrate? and we eat cake! It might be gluten free cake but we eat the cake! But inside I am sad, sad for the days gone, the ones that will be forever etched in our memories.
I do the best over here to rock this one life out but the days still slip by and my babies get older. Although I can not wait to see what these little ones become I still long for the babies I brought home from the hospital. The babies that crawled around the floor and got into everything. Babies… them!
I remember back when we were waiting for Grace to arrive and questioning how the relationship would be between Colin and his new sibling. We chose to keep the numbers even because we wanted everyone to have a partner…a friend….someone to share a room with. When we found out that Grace would be born with Down Syndrome I was never quite sure what that meant for Colin. WELL…..Colin has exceeded all expectations because his partner was not only born with a sweet extra chromosome, his partner was a GIRL! My little guy has never missed a beat. Grace is and will forever be his best friend. He kicks her to the side at times and gets mad when she gets into his toys but ohhhh does he love her and my Colin can give some serious love! He makes me proud, even at the young age of 4. I am so proud of who he is.
Today I had the pleasure of photographing the most beautiful girl, her name is Katie! (Love that name!) She wore necklaces made by Gabela and you can view her shop on etsy. Please check her out she has some fantastic designs!
As I sign off today I had to include this beautiful trailer for a documentary of 7 individuals who happened to be born with Down Syndrome from India. Take a second and watch, it is worth your time! It reminds us of what wonderful, giving, meaningful individuals our children are and it gives us a beautiful picture of the future!
Have a fantastic Friday and remember to be nice to people. Think before you talk….what you say to others matters. OXOXO