Here it is. The holiday we celebrate everything green and we do it big around the south side of Chicago. So today I will tell you my 10 favorite things about this special day!
1/ Green – It is the new black you know. It makes me feel like spring is in reach.
2/ Spring – St Patricks day = spring to me
3/ We come out of hibernation and see friends we haven’t seen since the Christmas decorations hung around the house.
4/ Discussions on the many uses of green felt hats from the Dollar Store.
5/ The accent. Top-a-the-day-to-ya. You know what I am talking about.
6/ The Guinness and the Irish coffee.
7/ Daffodils
8/ Sitting around a table with friends and family
9/ Food – Corn beef, Cabbage, soda bread….need I say more?
10/ My husband looks more Irish this day than any other and I think that is pretty sexy.
Wishing you all the happiest of days! Breakout that green and wear it like it’s your business.
OXOX Katie