The Driscolls were hit by the virus bug this weekend. GRRR! is all I have to say! The boys are sick and so is Grace. One by one they were dropping like flies. I hate when my kids are sick. Seriously it makes me feel like I am a failure. I work so hard to keep them healthy that when they get a bug I take it personally.
Poor Colin has chapped lips and cheeks……terrible cold!!!
This weekend we did a lot of nothing and it was awesome! It was so cold outside and we had to stay in. Dad built us a fire and we held sick babies. It is nice to feel needed by my kids. They love you just a little bit more when they are sick.
Graces dress comes from Plain Janes Store Check them out! This fabric is amazing! Grace will soon be in her shop!
We did a little library visit as well. My kids just crack me up with the books. They love love love them and so we took some time out on sunday after coffee to indulge in a new library. A huge library! One that is so amazingly big no one is looking or caring what you are doing as long as you are not pushing shelves over! My kind of place. My kids are happy and I can complete this blog post because I have big news!
If we are friends on Facebook you saw my post! (if we are not check us out @ 5 boys + 1 girl = 6 and like the page) Grace is a true cover girl! She made the cover of Chicago Special Parent! We are so proud of Grace. Let me tell you, she had this photo shoot in November and she ROCKED it! They fell in love with her….she has that magnetic personality! The magazine comes out February 16th so check your local library or health food store. The magazine is free! The article we are featured in gives tips to new parents of special needs children.

Have a great week!