Well here we are, post #2!
You know I was just having this conversation with a friend who recently started blogging. I told her the first post is the hardest. (honestly like I knew what I was talking about!!!) Putting yourself out there is hard but everything after that is easy! Well I believe in that saying for many aspects of my life. The first day of running! WOW! That was hard…I will never forget my first day. I went down the street to the park to start “Couch Potato to 5K” program and I was lookin’ over my shoulder every 5 mins to see if my neighbors were laughing at me! That was the hardest day. Everyday after that day became easier. We can all relate to that first day of a new job, first day at a new school, first day taking your baby to a new school (that is a tough one!) I could go on and on! I am so happy I hit the publish button for this blog because that was hard and from there everything will soon become easier. I am so thankful for my friends and family and their kind words! You are all the best there is!! Thank you!
Back to that new blogger I was speaking of. Well that new blogger is my friend Holly Simon (her blog Glitter On The Side) and I am so lucky to call her my friend. You see Holly is the #1 supporter and cheerleader for down syndrome in our neighborhood. All arrows point to her when you have a baby with that beautiful extra chromosome. She come flying in to the rescue. She gives you a great big hug and tells you how amazingly beautiful your baby is and if you are lucky she will bring Nate her amazing 10 year old son. He too just like his Mom will hug and kiss that baby of yours and ask you her/his name and tell you how special she/he is. I know this because this is what they did for me. I was that Mom. I was comfortable in my own home with my own friends and family around me. I was afraid to enter the community that until now I was not a part of, I was scared.

I have not mastered bounce flash so we are washed out! You get the picture though! Beautiful Holly and I at her fundraiser “HollyDays”!
I will never forget that day I met Holly in that Starbucks. I contacted her via Facebook because everyone I knew or met during the beginning of our journey would ask…have you met Holly?? So I decided one day! I am gonna meet this Holly! Who that heck is she anyway?? Why do so many people think she is so awesome! and…… fact is, I needed a friend….I needed Grace to have friends (she was already 6 months old for goodness sake! HA!) and I prayed that she would be the friend I was looking for and even though Mr Nate was 7 at the time he would be the friend I needed for my Grace.

Well let me tell you this girl is everything people said about her and more. She, as I said above hugged me with open arms introduced her son Nate and immediately it was like I knew her for years! She is a friend and advocate for her son, my beautiful daughter and tons of other gorgeous kids who happened to have down syndrome. Love that!
I guess what I am trying to say is find that friend. What ever your situation is you need a friend. A friend that understands what you are going through. A friend that has been there and can encourage you to move forward! Through that friend you will meet more friends and WOW the possibilities are endless.

Friends multiply into more friends…..even if they are in washed out photos! You get the picture!! 🙂 No pun intended.
I love January….frankly I love every month of the year. I love the possibilities that each month bring. You know like a new stack of ideas that came in the mail! Love love love that!

What are you excited about this January? Where do you see this year taking you? I would love to hear!
I have a a lot of goals this 2012…..I want to get dressed with lipstick and all every day! I love to do that and when I am staying home with my kiddos I sometimes let that slide! I want to give my 110% to my son and daughters therapy programs because I know the end result will be GREAT! I could go on and on ….

On that list is better food. I want to feed my family good food everyday!
Thought I would include a soup recipe that is my new favorite! I am serious….. you are going to look at this soup and think really?? but it is so yummy and good for you and best part no dairy or gluten = I make one meal at dinner and THAT my friends makes me happy!
I made this soup after Dig This Chick fed it to her family! You can get this recipe from here. I love Dig this Chick, (check her out Here) she is an amazing mom, gardener, artist and cook. You know everything that is like SO COOL!

Enjoy….. and make today and tomorrow great!