Feels like spring in Chicago!  The windows are open and the wind blows threw them.  The sun has been shining and that just makes life better!  With that being said the kids are excited!  So am I, we are awaiting the arrival of our Hens!  Yes, we are soon to have fresh eggs from the back yard!


When we moved last year in the back of my mind I thought, NOW we can have chickens.  That was put on the back burner, I knew I wanted to do it but was not sure when!  Well my brother and his girlfriend announced last week they were moving forward on a chicken project and then this weekend friends announced they too were going to start raising chickens.

I turned to my husband and he rolled his eyes.  Really Katie?  Yep!  I said.  He knows what that means.  When I decide to move forward on a project, watch out!  I am nervous because I have no Idea how to raise chickens but I am up for the challenge!  Toms cousin raises chickens, along with Turkeys, Ducks, and sheep. Thankfully I have someone to call!  Head first we go!

My Sean loves to write in his Journal!  He takes it very seriously.

So the next day I hit my trusty Craigslist!  Love that site!  Most of my house came from that site.  10 mins later I had a hutch, for 25.00!  You got it 25.00!  My husband the good man that he is hopped in the car and brought home this!  In LOVE!

Grace and I spent the afternoon putting the hutch together!  She surveyed everything I did.  It was funny how sister was so interested in each step!  I think she knows chickens are coming!

The boys….well they were no help!  No help at all!  They decided since the mercury tipped 67 that it was time for bathing suits and water guns!

Not much I could do about it.  There little bodies soaked up a good dose of vitamin D!

Life is good and I am glass is full this evening!

Not that I needed it but my sweet friend/cousin bought me the  bed skirt I have been searching for, for months!  Love her!  She is an avid thrifter like myself.  She made her way to the goodwill today and there it was the white and lace bedskirt I have been waiting for!  So my bed went from looking like this…..


To This!

YAY to the Goodwill!  On that note….shop Goodwill!  Not only because it is good for the environment and good for your wallet but because they employ individuals that have disabilities.  That is their Mission and they are proud of it!  Support them because they support beautiful people that might not have the opportunity to work without them!

I promise what ever you buy will be the latest and greatest of vintage awesomeness! No one else will have it!  More on that later, but I am totally addicted!  My bed makeover was 6 bucks!  Yep you read that correctly 6 bucks!

That deserves a pie!  You see I have to keep my moving guy AKA Hubby happy….I feed him pie!